Screen (COM) Printer Port " fileU Standard Short Standard Full-Screen Edit Logged Time Scheduled Time Event Chart 1-Day Schedule-on-a-Card 1-Week Calendar 1-Month Calendar 1-Year Calendar 4-Year Calendar Combo 1 Combo 2 Combo 3 Combo 4U Quick Hunt Chronological Hunt Folding Continuous Chronological Day-By-Day Day-By-Day and Priority Order Priority Order, -By-Day, -By- Project-by-Projecth Event-By-Event *TOTALS for ALL TIME BLOCKS REPORTED ABOVE: Hours O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To continue, press < e[ u >e[Pu >e[Lu >e[ ua >e[Cu >e[Cu >e[Yu >e[Ft # : H _ m "&"+":"B"e"j"x" #T#f#t# $!$)$6$C$N$V$c$q$ %'%C%M%e%j%t% &6&;&E&T&Y&c&{& '"'1'6'D'b'l'z' (&(3(@(K(S(`(e(m( ())^)p) *I*U*e*q*y*~* +-+W+_+m+r+ +!,2,C,W, -C-P-U-|- -;.@.X.].e.}. .^/l/ 0"060A0I0V0[0`0 1G1a1v1 2&2+20252F2<@ AMAcA B2BVFVKVPVdViVnV W1W\C\U\Z\z\ ]M]Z]_] ^&^2^7^C^H^k^p^ _,_T_ aoawa b$b9bAbJbWbibtb d3dcd e8eAeFe`e f%f*f/fWf\f f=gLgTg{g h%h/h4hEhOh]hfhshxh}h i,i6iDidiyi j1j:j?jDjYj^jcj j$k6k;k@kJkOkWk l(l-l:lGlSl`leljlrlzl m"m*mXm n&n3n8n@nEnMnVngnnn|n n%oNoaomoyo p)p5p]p q%r*r9rArnr3s s tFt u"u;uIunu{u v$vVvcvmv|v v=wBwTwYwjw y4yCysy8z |!|&|>|e|j| |K}Z}b} ~;~@~ O-------------------------------------------------------------------------------U 'EVENT O U SUNDAY ( >~^(s* SUNDAY Sending Data... for >#_ u6 " H P ^ y ~ = B [ ` !(!-!?!D!g!l! "*":"J"O"h"t"y" #>#C#V#[#u#z# #<$A$z$ '-'2'@'t'~' ('(1(?(l(z( )*)9)>)k){) +%+H+ ,J,X, .D.W. .Q/V/ /&000`0e0 2 282=2P2U2o2t2 3!34393p3u3 4!5&5A5F5r5w5 656E6x6 7=7B7a7f7o7x7 7"8'8:8?8Y8^8r8 1 CPREPARING A MONTH-BY-MONTH ANALYSIS OF THE PERIOD TO BE PRINTED ... BLANKYR SMTWTFS MTWTFSSU >R\#~ PREVIOUS UPCOMING EVENTS THINGS TO DO SOON NOTES SCHEDULED TIME ALREADY NOTE -> ----> U >(_ u; >(_ u; "Folding Combo's Highlighted Date: Sending Data... 57 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 57 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U >(_ u& 1 JAN %First month to be included printout: CAL3$ 1 FEB 1First year to be printed on the 4-Year Calendar: U ( ? I W { !=!G!U!r! ">"N"Z"g"l" #Q#V# $'$G$b$q${$ %+%5%S%X%b%p% &'&5&E&O&]& '2'7'p' )/)9)G)X)b)l) */*9*G*i*y* +!+A+]+m+y+~+ +",b, ---D-N-\-t-~- .#.-.;.K.U.c. /%/8/=/y/~/ 0"0K0P0z0 1'1R1`1r1 2.2<2g2u2 303@3P3`3k3v3 4$4@4E4J4 5'5,5S5]5g5q5{5 6#6+606G6Q6[6e6o6y6 7"7'7C7M7W7_7d7{7 7R8g8r8w8|8 9,979B9\9f9t9y9~9 :A:j:u:z: ;#;.;9;>;Q;a;q;|; <$<.<8<@+>0>S>]>k> ?9?>?C?_?d?i?z? @#@0@;@G@L@r@ A#A(AHATAbAnAsAxA B#B?B[B|B DADPDXDfDzD E(E8E=EPE[EpE FKF[FfFqFvF G#G(G-GBGRG\GfGnGsG G7The ending date must not fall before the beginning date6A reminder must be set before the primary event's date -- press RETU >e[Nu :RECOFF.DAFU T2'Date to which you wish to move events: EDITING TAGGING FOR OMISSION RESCHEDULING ESC=Exit =day-1 =day+1 =lastMonth =nextMonth =select tag/untag re-scheduleJThere are no events set for this day -- use arrows to move to another day Highlight event to and press (or enter Recrd #): Press < the highlighted event (@ tagORESCHEDULED -- PRESS < TAGGED FOR OMISSION (to "untag", press `T' at Main Menu) OMISSION TAG REMOVED Updating record (@ >e[ u > v@t 'q[Cu \=Stopwatch F6=SaveRecord ESC=Exit U >q[Su +First, enter an EVENT/DESCRIPTION -- press >q[Stf Exercise Miscellaneous TIMER !Date of event you wish to clone: 6Date of event for which you wish to enter a reminder: = day-1 = day+1 = lastMonth = nextMonthJThere are no events set for this day -- use arrows to move to another day CHighlight the event to be cloned and press < (or enter Recrd #): Press < to clone this event EHighlight the event to be reminded and press < (or enter Recrd #): +Press < to set a reminder for this event First, see whether you can Edit that event -- press < LA reminder may be set for this record only in the MAIN computer -- press < Record * has 10 its maximum of reminders -- press # is, itself, a reminder for record -- press Deadline Receipt Reminder Appointment Vacation Leave Service beginning date: Ending date: %Alarm Time cannot be after Begin Time schedul (s) to be ed, if any: Too many entries (if any) ( Ending Time cannot be before Begin TimeCMove to the category you want and press < (or enter CAT number): 0" is not a valid category -- press A will now set dates for related events in the plan. Do you want 4to pause at each related event and ask you to enter s and times? Should the scheduled for each subsequent event be = forward = backward = MAIN MENU = select>Move to the task to be modified and press < (or enter ABB): ^B=Reformat ^Y=EraseLine another Should 4 reminder be scheduled one or more days in advance? Reminder Date : +SAVED -- now, we'll start another record... reminder clone'DONE -- Would you like to make another U >e[Pu' >q[St >q[Cu >q[Cu] >q[Ct >q[Ct 'q[Rt >q[Ct >q[Ct >q[Cu >q[Au >q[St >q[Ste >q[Su >q[Ct >e[Yu >q[Su >q[Su >q[Au >q[Su >q[St >q[Su7 >q[Su >q[Stw >q[SuO >q[Ct >e[Yu >q[StW >e[Nt >e[Yu >e[Yu >q[Ct >q[Cu >q[Ct >e[Yu >e[Yt >e[Yt >q[Su >q[Su >e[Yu >q[Ct >q[Rt >q[Ru >e[Yu) ) 4 < A F ` u ,!,2,A,I,Q,Z,b,z, ---q-v- .C.X.r.w. /*/5/=/J/W/b/j/w/ 0$0K0P0^0v0{0 1(1/1@1r1|1 2%2A2O2 3!3^3c3q3 4 4E4]4s4}4 5 515S5f5 7'7<7Z7v7 858M8R8W8d8 9R9Z9h9t9 9]:h:u: ;#;+;@;H;R;Z;_;d;}; <04>D>L>[>e>m>r>w> ?,?:?C?f?y?~? A*A3AEAJAZAbAsA{A C$C1C6CLCVC`CjCoC}C D+D0D@DHDUDZD_D E9ESEgElE F8FXFbF GSGXGfGoG GJHUH I+I5INI|I J7JSJXJeJjJ K/K7K@KMKYKfKsK{K K/L_LmL M!M(M>MLM M"N9N>NHN[N~N O$O)OdOnO P3P_P Q$Q8QSQjQ RARYRgR SUS^SgSlS T6TITNT]TrT T/UZUpU V#VVV`VmV}V W(W8WTWdWlWxW}W XHXSX^XcXsX}X X6Y]YbYmYrY}Y Z+ZCZSZXZiZsZ}Z [.[9[>[N[V[a[l[t[ \,\7\?\L\W\_\d\i\ ]"]<]F][]j]x] ]@^E^^^u^z^ ^]_l_t_ ` `?`S`i` `5a>aGaLaXaia b1b;bIbSbabqbvb{b,ce[As >j[@w >e[@w >e[Yt >e[Yu TC!MAIN COMPUTER DATA OUTPUT ROUTINEDDiskette to which you want to copy this MAIN computer's data files: Place BLANK diskette into drive and press :M-JOURN.LBFJThis diskette hasn't been INPUT yet -- do you want to overwrite its data? e[As >j[@w >e[@w >e[Nu >e[Nu >e[Ot >e[Yu SATELLITE DATA OUTPUT ROUTINE SATELLITE DATA INPUT ROUTINE LMake sure the data you're about input was just OUTPUT from the main machine. OUTPUT@Diskette to which you want to copy this SATELLITE's data files: =Diskette from which you want to copy data to this SATELLITE: Place BLANK diskette into drive and press :M-JOURN.LBFe[As >j[@w >e[@w >e[Nu Must abort -- another terminal is probably using -- press 2Only the MAIN computer can omit items -- press < TXL You must never go through this Omit process if anyone else on the net is using =. If there is the SLIGHTEST POSSIBILITY that someone else is>using the program, press ESC; otherwise press < to continue. Now, > will look through its LOG of disbursements, receipts and ser-Jvices performed and eliminate the items already tagged for omission. AlsoIeliminated will be ALL items (whether tagged for omission or not) falling"BEFORE the cut-off date set below.KYou are about to go through an omission process, during which items alreadyJtagged for omission will be eliminated from the SCHEDULE. Also eliminatedIwill be ALL items (whether tagged for omission or not) falling BEFORE theLcut-off date set below. After this omission process for the SCHEDULE, Tick-JleX will do the same for the LOG of disbursements, receipts and services. 5^ u& >e[Iti >e[Tu Wait... :PROJECT.LBF :M-JOURN.LBF :M-JOURN.LBI :M-WORK.LBF :M-WORK.LBI data files being created :M-GROUP.DAF :RECUR.DAF :RECUR.DAIGSelect ^Edit on the MENU to create a (F)requent Events file - press < :RECOFF.DAF :TXUSER.LOK!Do you want a schedule printout? Looking for alarms to set... DOEXPORT >e[Yu SCHEDULE-to-LOG ZIP TRANSFER LEach item that has been completed on the date you select will be copied as aIervice to the LOG file and then tagged for omission in the SCHEDULE file.U copying record to LOG... 0Date whose events need to be zipped to the LOG: TXCDo you want to log this item as having been completed (^E = Edit)? 2You can't edit a Recurring Event here -- press < =Date on which this item was completed (ESC = not completed): has no events to log -- press >e[ t >e[ t >e[Yu? ! < A O D ^ h r | &,&:&A&k&p&~& '!')'6'C'P'U'Z'n'}' ("(7(D(Q(^(k(x( )F)[)k)u) *'*=*L*Q*d*s*x* *++9+C+H+_+i+n+|+ ,E,[,e,j,x, ,/-4-r- .1.6.f.|. /!/(/-/A/P/b/j/ 0-0C0M0R0`0 1#1H1W1_1 2K2Z2l2s2x2 30353G3Q3V3e3j3 4(454D4N4S4X4e4w4|4 5'5,5R5W5o5|5 6-6<6M6 7(72777?8[8q8{8 8B9X9g9o9w9 90:F:a:m:r: ;+;5;:;H;j; <%?>K>P>Z>q>}> ?,?1?;?`?e?~? @$@J@O@T@w@ A$A3A=AKAZAdAiA{A B;BCBLBVB`BeBrB|B C*C/C]CeCnC DgDqD{D D=EUE_EdExE GNG[GjGtGyG H!H&H0H?HIHNH]HmH I&I1I6IFISIXI I&J2J7J K"K'K8K=KKKPK L L*LLLpL L$M>MgM|M N*N4N9NPNUNiNqNvN O!O3O=OOOTO^OcOuOzO Q%Q3Q@QKQSQ`QmQxQ R#R-RGR RPTkT TiUxU V(W7W?WHWMW^WhWmW{W W7X>XnXsXxX Y.Y=YBY Schedule Mis-linked record: ) -- press Erased record 's faulty link to supposed record U TXMIndexing the Schedule and Log databases is a DRASTIC measure. The ONLY time Myou should even consider it is when your databases are corrupted and you haveMno reliable backup disks from which you can restore them. The routine you'reMabout to go through will read each Schedule & Log entry in your current filesMand attempt to index it. If the routine finds any faulty links to other re-Mcords, it will simply erase them, possibly leaving reminders that no longer link to primary events.4 Do you wish to proceed with this drastic measure? Turn on printer -- press < Re-indexing schedule/log ... Checking data integrity... primary prime reminderI Corrupted data -- Use Restore function in Utilities module -- press < lb-rate.dat \0-4\*.LBT \5-9\*.LBT \A-B\*.LBT \C-D\*.LBT \E-H\*.LBT \I-L\*.LBT \M-N\*.LBT \O-R\*.LBT \S-T\*.LBT \U-Z\*.LBT RE-INDEXING COMPLETE >e[YuK >e[Yt - : G T a n { Scroll: or U Disbursement Deadline Service Receipt Appointment Vacation Leave Exercise Miscellaneous each day This 5's ending Time should be the time it'll be completed being entered... BeginDate Date Amount Cat Time - Time ) Event/Description O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q[q[Mu >q[St >q[St{ >q[St ) being entered... EventO-------------------------------------------------------------------------------U Reminder just entered Previously scheduled event DEADLINE REMINDER event not yet tagged for omission Time - Time Event/DescriptionO------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE --> U [8|}Q ) @ J X HIGHLIGHTED DATE: U = month-3 = month+3 = month-6 = month+68Date to find (or dates between which to find interval): ) 4 < I T \ i t | !Pausing... press SPACE BAR or ESC >e[.u Re-indexing U LIST OF PROJECTS Scroll: To continue, press < :INCEXPNS.DAT =At least two items in this file have the same abbreviation: " EDO NOT USE THIS FILE UNTIL YOU'VE CHANGED ONE OF THESE ABBREVIATIONS!FWhen this file appears on the screen, press ESC to return to the menu. @Then, use EDITX (^E at the menu) to make the needed corrections. To continue, press < >#_ u # J T c t ~ Saving projects... :PROJECT.LBFU -- ok? is a U >e[Nu >e[Nu Alphabetizing projects...!The PROJECT file is already full U 7You've just opened a new plan for a specific project, ( ) ; however... "@" is not in project list -- (U)seAnyway (A)ddToList (R)eEnter ,There's no room in the PROJECT list to add " ". Use it anyway? U e[e[Nu Looking for multi-day events...U :\ INITNAME. Scroll: Make Entry: = EVERY 2 whose events you want displayed on the calendar: U = ALL s2 whose events you want displayed on the calendar: A O T ^ c p u The interval between and days -- press subtract You wish to days >f[-t >f[+u >e[Nu ,^ u) S M T W T F S M T W T F S S -------------------- Aborting because disk is full ( ^F = FindFreeTime >q[Ct0 >q[Cu added to subtracted from Days days = 9< = Move to this date ESC = Keep Main Menu date U >e[+u . b out of space DOS error hardware failure system failure program error item missing format locked out media error network serial device unknown Path not found File Access Denied File not open=Corrupted Data -- go to Utilities and (R)estore from back-ups Disk Error CRC error in data Printer not ready (@Computer's CONFIG.SYS file should have a line saying, "FILES=60" Serious Error -- press is not a recognized TickleX -- press LB-RAT2.DAT What's your password WRONG PASSWORD -- press < 8Please designate a simple password for your future use: Don't forget your password: U Checking record U Today's date: M-JOURN.LBF :M-JOURN.LBF$You probably didn't mean to select " ", since you should be using 9TickleX on a daily or weekly basis. It was last used on 0 To re-enter the date, press < (or, to accept , press "|")U >e[|t LASER Default printer port: 1Reset the printer before each report is printed? 4# lines your printer prints on each page (L=Laser): :Use 24-hour time and DD/MM/YY (not MM/DD/YY) date format? ' NEW EVENTS: Use main calendar date? Batch Entries? PROMPT FOR: Reminders? Priorities? Alarms? U Gotcha Exercise Miscellaneous1Type of Event, if any, to substitute for GOTCHA: 3Type of Event, if any, to substitute for EXERCISE: 8Type of Event, if any, to substitute for MISCELLANEOUS: 4Refer to TDY & Leave, instead of Trips & Vacations: #Refer to Employees or Departments: Time that workday begins: ends: e[Yt PAPRCHNG.DAT PRNTINIT s/n M ST006ERU :\ INITT.LBFU LB-RATE.DATU !Make backups of your data files? end.fyl6dummy file to prevent tx.bat from re-executing programU >e[Yus >e[Nu !That option isn't available when is memory-resident -- press 8Always access TickleX by entering "TX" at the DOS promptU Aborting because data disk is fullU Drive has less than free space -- omit unneeded "files before trying program again.U ALARM BEEPU LASRCODE schdGate.datU :\ INITNAME. INITNAMEU lb-rate.dat INITT.LBFU DT.DATU " 0 E Z h % 0 8 _ l w T"i"n"}" # #(#5#B#M#U#c#n#v# $($5$@$H$V$a$i$v$ %"%4%<%I%T%\%j%u%}% '''4'A'F'K'Z'w'|' (%(*(/(H( ) )()>)C)H) )%*.*7*<*O*Y*h*m*w* +!+&+0+:+?+ ,!,+,0,:,L,Y,e,q,~, -,-1-V-`-h-u- .&.3.@.M.\.f.n.{. /!/+/0/5/M/W/q/ 010G3U3_3i3n3 4)464D4Q4V4[4j4y4 5$5-5>5K5P5[5`5e5s5 6*6;6E6S6p6 7&7:7e7o7y7 8#8-878A8K8U8_8i8s8}8 9(929<9F9P9Z9d9n9x9 :::?:N: ;(;-;2;K;];w; <=,>\>c>|> ?T?k?{? ?^@w@ A2APAiAnA|A B,BHB`BeB}B C!C/C4CJC~C DPKPZPgPvP Q1Q;QEQJQOQ-RdRiRwR S(SfSpS T6TDT\TfT U#U=UKUcUmU V)VAVKVeVsV W)WCWQWiWsW X!X/XGXQXkXyX Y%Y/YIYWYoYyY Z'Z5ZMZWZqZ [+[5[O[][u[ \-\;\S\]\w\ ]1];]\]j] ^6^E^O^Y^^^m^{^ `"`'`1`6`N`X`]`k`p`}` `-aCaRalava a0b:bHb`bjbxb b'c1c?cWcacoc d*d9d>dHdpd e.e3eDeIeXe`eiese}e f$g3g=gGgLgVg[gmg{g